Southern Alberta Medical Patient Services

Comprehensive diagnostic testing for your health and wellness


EKG readout
EKG leads monitoring your heartbeat

What is an Echocardiogram?

An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to illustrate the shape and size of your heart. The test gives doctors the ability to see how well your heart pumps blood and detect abnormalities of heart valves and chambers.

An echocardiogram indicates the health of the heart muscle, especially after a heart attack. It can also reveal heart defects in unborn babies.

The images can help your doctor spot:

  • blood clots in the heart
  • fluid in the sac around the heart
  • problems with the aorta

How to Prepare

Please bring your:

  1. provincial health care card
  2. Government issued ID  (driver’s licence, passport or social insurance card)

We ask that patients arrive 10 minutes prior to their appointment. Do not wear creams or lotions on your chest.

Dietary Considerations:

  • You may eat and drink normally.

Procedure Length:

  • The exam takes between 35-40 minutes. It is painless and safe.

What to expect

Think of an echocardiogram as an ultrasound for your heart. The sonographer places ECG leads on your chest to record your heartbeat. During the test the transducer is placed in different positions ( your chest, below your armpit, above your stomach and under you chin) to image your heart. The sonographer recorders the results from the test and relays the video to the cardiologist for analysis.

Video produced by Mayo Clinic –  Echo Tutorial: Comprehensive Transthoracic Echocardiogram